29/4 - 1/5, 2011
Centro Arti Visive Pescheria - Pesaro (Italy)
Artists: Elena Modorati, Paola Pezzi, Gianni Moretti, Federico Arcuri, Dario Tironi & Koji Yoshida, Angela Zurlo

EcoArt Project’s PesaRottama took place as part of a three-day place-based program in Pesaro, Italy. The event and exhibition featured works along the themes of consumption, waste, and reuse. Martina Cavallarin curated the contemporary art exhibition, which was accompanied by a line-up of festive musical performances. PesaRottama was created in collaboration with the Province of Pesaro and Urbino, the Municipality of Pesaro, Sider Rottami Adriatica, Ecodom, CarFer, Cobat, the National Institute of Bioarchitecture, Coop Adriatica, and Binocolo Cultural Association.